About The Curiosity Approach

We’ve incorporated The Curiosity Approach into our nursery practices as a way to engage children in thought-provoking activities that encourage them to explore the options of everything presented to them.

The Curiosity Approach was set up by two experienced nursery owners who have a love of all things natural, eschewing brightly coloured plastic in favour of natural or “real” tones and textures. We feel that it is particularly pertinent for children who may not have as much access to the natural world in their own homes.

“It’s a beautiful recipe book of wonderful ingredients, carefully mixed together with experience, passion and a love of Early Childhood.”

How We Incorporate The Curiosity Approach Into Our Nursery

One of the best aspects of The Curiosity Approach is that it teaches children how to handle and respect their environment. For example, we support the 3-4 year olds having a tea party using real china, pouring “tea” into cups. Another typical activity would be for the children to create a self-portrait using “loose parts” including pebbles, bamboo sections, shells etc which are assembled in a picture frame. We would then take a photograph, and the children sort and return the loose parts to their baskets. As well as inspiring creativity and considered thought, the activity also teaches the children to tidy away for next time! We believe that incorporating The Curiosity Approach ideas and activities into our nursery setting gives children so many more opportunities to explore and learn.

Curiosity Approach

What is the Curiosity Approach?

The curiosity approach gives children the freedom to be unique and spark their imagination during play. It encourages them to be critical thinkers by themselves and to take risks during play by making their own decisions and understanding consequences safely. Our children will learn through play, which is the best form of learning. Rather than being expected to sit on a chair constantly, we have empty tables with no chairs for those who like to move and be free. It allows us to adapt to children’s individual needs and offers lots of real, authentic resources.

Enhancing Imagination at our Curiosity Approach Nursery

This approach fits into our curriculum in many areas. It is exceptional for covering language and communication. As Nottingham is one of the lowest achievers in literacy, our Nottingham nursery takes advantage of this approach by constantly introducing the children to new items through play, using items they wouldn’t necessarily use or hear of at home. This extends their knowledge and vocabulary, giving all children the same opportunities in their early childhoods.

Outdoor Play Area at Angels By Day Nursery
Learn and Play room at Angels By Day

Benefits of the Curiosity Approach for Early Years

At Angels by Day, we found the children benefitted from the Curiosity Approach during play. Their behaviour was much calmer; they were intrigued and engaged more, which brought noise levels down, too. Children are taught to respect resources and items in play as there may be consequences, such as smashing a jar or throwing a ceramic plate.

Enhanced Engagement with the Curiosity Approach

They will have breakages as opposed to using plastic, and there are no consequences. Using real items in play and giving the children ‘the real deal’ shows them we trust them and allows them to take risks safely in play to become creative thinkers. Each child learns differently, and this type of play offers individuality; some children learn through physical play and by giving something a try and learning, if not the first time, to keep going.

Curiosity Approach
Childcare Funding Options - Angels By Day Nursery Location

Why Choose Angels By Day for the Curiosity Approach

Our staff are experienced in the curiosity approach, and we support this with continuous provisions, team talks, and the sharing of ideas, expanding the ideas together. We also provide an environment to support this approach, which is visible within our setting; we have calm, neutral displays and décor as the approach is all about being an extended version of home and not a watered-down version of school. When we show new clients around our setting, the first thing they point out in our Hallway immediately is how “it feels like a home”

Experienced Staff and Supportive Environment

We help our parents understand our approach when they register with us by sharing a document of the basics and discussing the benefits while showing them around. We really encourage our parents to support us by asking for recycled packaging, unwanted kitchen items for our home corner, or any loose parts that are safe to use.

Early Years Development Stages (1)

FAQs about Our Curiosity Approach Nursery

What age groups do you cater to with the Curiosity Approach?

At Angels by Day we cater for all ages in all of our rooms, e.g. babies would be introduced to real wooden brushes or soft natural items such as a sponge or Luther rather than a bright plastic paintbrush- our pre-schoolers will play with real ceramic plates and cups during a teddys tea party using water and real biscuits or fruit.

How do you tailor the Curiosity Approach to meet individual children's needs?

At Angels by Day, we tailor the Curiosity Approach to meet individual children’s needs by observing each child’s interests and developmental stage, providing personalised activities that spark curiosity and engagement. Our experienced staff use real, authentic resources to promote critical thinking and creativity in a home-like, comfortable environment. By respecting each child’s unique learning style and encouraging safe risk-taking, we ensure hands-on experiences that foster growth. We also communicate with parents to integrate their feedback, ensuring every child receives the support and stimulation they need to thrive.

What feedback will I receive about my child's progress?

We offer parents’ evenings twice a year, a development summary every six months, and your child’s keyworker will set new targets every other month with parents and discuss the outcomes when renewing. We also offer parents the opportunity to upload home observations/progress, which is also linked to their child’s development journey. Lastly, our parents are always welcomed to ask for discussions as and when needed, which is verbally offered on their induction.

How does the nursery environment support the Curiosity Approach?

We support this approach by offering large uncluttered open spaces, natural lighting, along with mood-changing lighting in our children’s rooms; the décor throughout is neutral and calm, displaying the children’s un perfect artwork and not staff drawing/cutting out. We offer wooden storage vs plastic, lovely rugs and cushions and staff/ children all wear slippers inside the rooms. We provide real role-play items for all ages and extend through age-suited resources throughout.

Can I visit Angels By Day to see the Curiosity Approach in action?

Yes, of course. As it is always ongoing through play, it wouldn’t be something specially set up for your viewing; it is continuously on offer and able to be seen.

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