Moving forward in your child’s development, self-care and independence are a new focus for 3 to 4 year olds and older toddlers. The good progress started as 1 year olds and younger toddlers in all other areas carries on apace. Potty training is a fundamental life skill that the team concentrate on helping the children achieve so that they are free to enjoy all the opportunities presented. We begin to look at phonics, early literacy is the foundation of all our academic lives, and we also work on the correlation between the written number and actual quantity – which is trickier than you might think!
What to expect on a day-to-day basis in our preschool room at Angels by Day:
The children will start their day by coming in and having some breakfast before going on to the carpet for a play. Throughout the day, we offer lots of opportunities for free play and outdoor play as well doing focused activities.
We have phonics lessons twice a day, once in the morning and once in the afternoon, where the children will sit in their small groups to learn their sounds of the week. We also will have group times throughout the day where the children will have a story or play circle games, interacting with their peers. Also, during the half term, we use this opportunity when it is quieter to take the children out on trips to the local park and also to places such as mouse trap, the cinema, and the local roll play centres.
Our focus for the children:
At Angels by Day our Pre-School room is a mixture of children aged 3-4 years old. Our main focus in this room is getting the children prepared to go to school but also making sure that they are having fun in the process.
The children are encouraged to be more independent in this room in many different ways, such as; going to the bathroom by themselves, cleaning themselves up after meal times, putting on their own shoes and clothing to go outside, finding their own dinner trays, and serving their food/water. We also like the children to help with putting toys back where they belong and making the room look nice and tidy.
The development of 3 to 4 year olds:
Each child in the setting will have their own key worker, they are solely responsible for looking after the child’s development and gathering evidence to support this. The key worker will be able to recognize any gaps that they may have which may need a little more support or can see where they are excelling. We focus a lot on literacy and numeracy, we feel that it is important for the children to learn their sounds and numbers and be able to form them on paper. The children also do lots of work around name writing and recognising their names.
If there’s anything else you’d like to know, please feel free to pop in or call us on 0115 978 9980.