“The nursery provides children with a warm, welcoming and friendly environment. Staff nurture and care for children extremely well. High-quality resources are thoughtfully laid out and easily accessible to children of all ages.”

That was what Ofsted said the last time they inspected our nursery in Bulwell, which was very much appreciated as it confirmed the staff team’s approach to caring for, and educating, the children entrusted to us.

The Curiosity Approach - Angels by Day

“The nursery builds excellent relationships with other professionals involved in children's care. They actively promote partnership working with parents and other professionals. Children's needs are met effectively and consistently.”

``All children make good progress from their starting points``

“Children’s progress is tracked accurately by staff and information is readily shared with parents. Parents are encouraged to consider how they can further support children’s learning at home. This contributes greatly to the good progress made by all children. All children, including disabled children and those with special educational needs, make good progress from their starting points.”



Some children attend 3 or 4 days per week, others for 2 or 3 half days or full time all depending on what you, as a family, need to balance all your commitments. Part-time children can usually be booked in for an extra day or session if needed.

We offer term time only fully funded places too for your 2,3 or 4-year-old. We understand that you need your childcare to be flexible so your sessions can be arranged as 3 x 5 hours if you prefer giving you a useful amount of time to get things done while your little one is happily occupied at our Bulwell nursery.

Before and After School Care

We take children to Springfield School every morning and we offer After School Care, picking up from Springfield and St Mary’s, two of our local schools. By the time you’ve finished what you’re doing and come to collect we’ve walked back from school, had tea and made a start on homework leaving the rest of the evening free as family time.

If you have a younger one too there’s only one pickup to do saving valuable time and reducing the number of balls in the air by one!


Methods, ideas, individuality.

A great deal of what we do at Springfield House is guided by the Montessori Method, rather than being dictated by it, and we’re always open to, and mindful of, new ideas and different children’s needs of course. We see each child as a unique individual, after observing their play and development we plan activities just for them to encourage positive progress.

Come and See for Yourself!

There’s nothing like experiencing something for yourself so why not drop by and come and see us for a chat, or arrange to bring your child for a visit? Whether you’d just like to get a feel for our nursery in Bulwell or you’d like a more in-depth discussion we’re always happy to welcome new faces.

We can always arrange for an immediate start if you are having a childcare crisis as we keep one or two places up our sleeve, talk to us – if we can help you sort it out, we will.

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